Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 2012 CGR Report

Leslie BBQ'ing in the Bunkhouse
Drilling in the power poles

Gwen eating her breakfast on the railing

After a long flight from DC, Mike & Leslie ended the day eating at our local bar in Hilo.  Mike's work at the CGR started the next morning. 

Mike's first week was starting the Big Projects.  The foto shows them drilling in solid "blue basalt" to set in our line of power poles.  Seriously BIG toys!!! 

The next highlight was the arrival of Gwen  She now watches everyone in our condo. The 2nd week Mike started living out of the Bunkhouse and cutting the jungle on the front side...local wildlife (boars and goats) are NOT liking the changes!! 

Mike found a massive Norfolk Island Pine where the local bats roost on the edge of the Ranch.  We're happy that the bats are keeping our bug population in check.  

June's goals are finishing the Bunk House & framing in the Hacienda!