Saturday, August 18, 2012

The new census number is in

The ranch is now up to 21 animals.
8 chickens
5 ducks
3 sheep
2 geese
2 rabbits
And 1 parrot

That means we are out numbered over 10 to 1.

Sent from Leslie's iPad

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ranch Hands August 2012

July was a productive time; decks sprouted around the Hacienda, the Bunk House gained basic plumbing & adding electricity changed our life a lot!!! All progress, just more to do!!!

So we finally officially retired from the Army.... we spent that day raising trusses on the Hacienda!!!

The census at the CGR just keeps rising.... July started with 1 human & 1 critter and ended with 2 humans and over 12 various critters!!

The whole Ranch has electricity now! Stringing 450 feet of our own power lines across the "front 40" was QUITE an adventure all its own!!!

The whole area took notice when we brought in a huge crane to swing up the massive beams & trusses.... Mike likes using the big tools to jump start progress!!

The Bunk House changed a lot when Leslie & Gwen moved out full time!!! Civilization has now reached the Bunk House!!!!

The next goals are fences for pastures, adding sheep & raising the roof!!!! More pix to follow!!!