Wednesday, October 2, 2013

October 2013 Ranch Hands

September saw Leslie touch the mainland to visit friends & family.... and her sister Pat came to visit again at the end of the month. 

The front half of the ranch finally looks like we've hit the tipping point from clearing/ building to maintaining....  that means Mike's hard work is shifting further back on our acreage.

Leslie got to see her fiends & family on the mainland for almost two weeks....  so Mike had to go to 5-H camp with 142 critters....  that put a dent in the Big Island's beer supply!!!

Les's sister Pat came to visit again & had to see the black bamboo tree they bought last year...  it was a 5 foot starter when they got it...  we think the latest shoot is 18 or 19 feet tall with more shoots growing 2-3 inches a day!!!

Our fruit trees are growing & some even flowering...  starting to think the low number of bees in our area hurt pollination....  so yup, just put together several hives & plan to bring in a bee colony soon....  stay tuned!!!