Thursday, August 1, 2013

August 2013 Ranch Hands

Boars: V
Mongeese: CII

Aloha!! July focused us on the " back side" of da' ranch......  oh so many trees to drop & chip for each new fence line!!!  Steady progress out here!!

The first picture gives an idea of the overgrown saw grass behind the house.... we started the process of cutting it down to clear the next pasture for the growing sheep flock.

The sides of the pastures are densely packed guava & trumpet trees...  they are all coming down to put in the fences.  The many wood chip piles are going into many more beds for Leslie's vegetable gardening.

Our chicken flock is making more eggs as they mature...  the record day was 22 fresh eggs (plus 1 from the ducks!).  Les sells them at our local Farmer's Market!!

The critters continue filling up more of the ranch....  28 new rabbits & 10 new ducklings last month...  with more on the way for August!!