Sunday, September 30, 2012

October 2012 Ranch Hands

Wow, September was a busy time at the CGR!! Our animals are growing & definitely keeping us on our toes!! The construction is entering the "seriously hands on phase" for Les & Mike!!

It was "rough in" month as the plumbing & electrical crews came in on top of the framers... all good progress!!

The decks & railings were added and we turned the house over to the painter's to finish the month.

We added a ram to our sheep herd & have started hunting the mongooses stalking our chicken & waterfowl.

Later in September Mike got another part of the pastures cleared of trees and we got a larger paddock fenced for the sheep... they are grazing & Mike no longer has to cut vegetation there!!!

Leslie's sister Pat visited the Ranch in September & even helped pick out our ram!

The next big steps in the Hacienda are drywalling & tiling!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

September 2012 Ranchhands

Carroll Guava Ranch
In Keaau, Hawai'i

September 2012
Latest Census "Critter Ticker": 2 humans & 38 animals

August was wet & warm, and a BLUR of activity for the CGR!! Various animals kept joining the staff, complete with their pens / pastures / coop's and fences. The Hacienda really started taking shape with its' roof and walls going on!!!

Thru the month of August the framing crew added rafters, purloins & we "hung the iron" of our metal roofing.
The 3,500 square feet metal roof made so much shade, sitting on a slight rise it looks awesome from the road & has caused folks to stop & gawk!
The census at the CGR just keeps rising....  This week we hit a new high...  The new "critter ticker" will be on every issue!!!
Later in August we got all of the exterior walls nailed on & all the "hurricane straps" installed!!
We finished August with getting the plumbing installation started before the Labor Day weekend!!!!!  Next in will be the electrician, painter & dry waller!!!!