December was another month of steady progress... the Hacienda now has flooring, is painted, has base boards & even kitchen cabinets!!!
December was 24/7 of steady progress in the Hacienda so we could get the furniture delivered!
The Hacienda got laminate flooring throughout, the lights were installed, every room got painted & the kitchen cabinets got installed!! Next month it's countertops & tiling bathrooms!!
Out on da Ranch Leslie stays busy with critters and plants. The rabbits had another litter of 10 bunnies, the ducks are all sitting on big nests of eggs and the sheep are getting larger all the time!
Leslie's first bamboo experiment has a new 30+ foot shoot of black bamboo!!
Our surprise was catching a 150 lb Boar in the back side of our land that she dressed out - adding another 50 lbs of meat in the freezer!!
The next big steps here are water tanks, pumps & finishing the plumbing!! No rest for us!!
Boars: I
Mongeese: XXXXIV