Friday, November 30, 2012

RanchHands December 2012

We got "reinforcements" this month!! Our sheep birthed twins, then 50 new chicks arrived, and the rabbits had a litter of 11!!!! Mike's continuing to work on the Hacienda & living on Motrin!!!

November saw drywall finishing, texturing, primer paint spraying & windows and doors all over the Hacienda.  Next month is flooring & kitchen installs!!!

Leslie's progress with the animals is amazing!!!!  The latest census has Gwen and 90 other critters!!
We've been actively going after the mongeese that stalk our chickens.....  little angry teeth in fur... it remains a daily task to defend the home front!!

The freezer is getting filled with meat from the herds & Leslie's gardens are growing well down here in the tropics...  she just expanded them by a factor of 3 so lots more planting to go!!!

The December steps are flooring, kitchen install, electrical & plumbing installations & finally furniture deliveries!!!

1 comment:

  1. Rainy and Cold here in the beltway - we'll have to come visit soon!
