August saw Hurricane Iselle come ashore & a new lava flow turn inland.... never a dull time on a tropical volcanic island!!
Our island's first full hurricane on over 20 years made landfall and devastated many areas, but the CGR did well. We had dropped every tree that could hit a building or cable line as we built, so nothing hurt on the ranch. Many of our friends weren't so lucky. Our sole issue was 4 days without power but we had a generator.
At a happy hour staff call about what the ranch really needs for vehicles, we decided to donate our small convertible & sports car to PBS and re-equip with the right ones for 'ranching'... well they arrived on the ship in August. So now we've got trailer hauling SUV's and a do everything pick up truck.
The only trees the hurricane dropped out back were one's we had in the plan to drop for a new pasture....... so it proved time to upgrade from a small "mainland size" chainsaw to a bigger & a 'way bigger' one to cut up the large trees. Yes, I sang the Monty Python Lumber Jack song on the ride home!!
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